Parent Resources
Garyville Mt. Airy Math & Science Magnet School
2022-2023 Parent and Family Engagement Plan
“Parent and Family Engagement” means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities
GOAL: To enhance the instructional program and academic achievement of students at Garyville Mt. Airy Math & Science Magnet School (GMMS) by involving parents in all aspects of the school’s activities.
OBJECTIVE: The administration, faculty, and staff will provide a variety of programs to promote parent and family engagement to improve the academic performance of students. Documentation of these programs will include sign-in sheets, copies of the monthly school calendar, and school visitations.
GMMS will adhere to the following ESSA Parent and Family Engagement Federal Program Assurances outlined in Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act
Part 1: ESSA Parent and Family Engagement Assurances:
- Jointly develop the local educational agency plan under section 112, and the development of support and improvement plans;
- Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools within the local educational agency in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance, which may include meaningful consultation with employees, business leaders, and philanthropic organizations, or individuals with expertise in effectively engaging parents and family members in education;
- Coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under this part with parent and family engagement strategies, to the extent feasible and appropriate, with other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs;
- Conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation for the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools served under this part, including identifying –
- Barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by this section (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background);
- The needs of parents and family members to assist with the learning of their children, including engaging with school personnel and teachers; and
- Strategies to support successful school and family interactions;
- Use the findings of such evaluation in subparagraph to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise if necessary, the parent and family engagement policies described in this section; and
- Involve parents in the activities of the schools served under this part, which may include establishing a parent advisory board comprised of a sufficient number and representative group of parents or family members served by the local educational agency to adequately represent the needs of the population served by such agency for the purposes of developing, revising, and reviewing the parent and family engagement policy.
Part II: Six Types of Parent & Family Engagement:
GMMS will utilize the Six Keys to Successful Partnerships to foster Parent and Family Engagement
Standard I:
Parent: Parenting Skills are promoted and supported. GMMS will:
- Purchase parenting books, magazines, and other informative material regarding responsible parenting that can be accessed through the counselor
- The Parent Center information are regularly highlighted in school newsletters
Standard II:
Communication: Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
- The Parent and Family Engagement Program at GMMS, developed by staff and parents, includes program practices that enhance parent and family engagement and reflect the specific needs of GMMS students and their families.
- The Parent and Family Engagement Plan is comprehensive, coordinated, and inclusive. Parent and Family Engagement roles are varied.
- Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful. To encourage communication with parents, GMMS will:
Prepare and distribute information packets to each GMMS family describing:
- GMMS Family Engagement Plan/Program
- The various ways parents can volunteer at GMMS
- Planned parent and family engagement opportunities
- Parent communication methods
- PTO membership form and invitation to join
Two-Way, Meaningful Communication Methods:
- Weekly communication folders are sent home to parents containing student work for parent comment and review along with other school information.
- The Parent Internet Website provides instant access for parents to view their student’s grades, attendance, lunch account information and access tutorial help on the district’s website:
- PTO, in conjunction with GMMS, publishes a monthly newsletter to keep parents informed of upcoming events and other school issues. The newsletters are sent home in weekly folders and are also available to read on the school’s web page.
- Parents are encouraged to sign up for Class Dojo
- Staff members’ e-mail addresses can be accessed through the school web page.
- Parents without internet access are encouraged to use a computer designated for their use in the Parent Center.
Standard III:
Volunteering: Parents are welcome in the school and their support and assistance are encouraged.
GMMS promotes and encourages a welcoming atmosphere to foster parent involvement and volunteer participation.
- GMMS does not have policies that hinder parent involvement at school.
- The Parent and Family Engagement Contact Person at the school encourages staff members to utilize the volunteer resource book published by PTO, which lists the interests and availability of volunteers.
- The Parent and Family Engagement Contact person ensures that parent participation is acknowledged.
- Volunteers are encouraged to attend a training session held at the beginning of each school year.
Standard IV:
Student Learning: Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning.
In order to promote parents’ efforts at GMMS Parent and Family Engagement meetings are regularly scheduled and parents are provided up-dates/ reports on school business and an overview of:
- What students will be learning
- How students will be assessed
- What parents should expect from their child’s education
- How parents can assist and make a difference in their children’s education
GMMS schedules regular Parent and Family Engagement meetings, such as:
- Meet & Greet
- Open House
- Muffins with Mom
- Donuts with Dad
- Literacy Night
- Family Math & Science Night
At these meetings, parents receive a report of the state of the school, building test results, curriculum expectations and standards, how students are assessed, and information regarding how they can help children achieve academically.
Standard V:
School Decision Making and Advocacy: Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
GMMS process for resolving parental concerns which is described in various newsletters during the school year. The process includes:
- How to define a problem
- Whom to approach first
- How to develop solutions
Standard VI:
Collaborating with Community: Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning.
Community resources strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning. To capitalize on community resources, GMMS:
- Encourages and supports the Parent Teacher Organization, which fosters parental and community involvement at GMMS.
- PTO leaders’ input is sought and utilized inappropriate decisions affecting students and families.
- Solicits community support and assistance with academic programming, extra curricula activities, fundraisers, etc.
Part III: School-Parent Compact
As a component of the school-level parental involvement plan, each school will jointly develop, with parents for all children served under this part, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
This school Parent and Family Engagement Plan has been developed jointly with, and in agreement with parents of students at ABC School, a Title I school, as evidenced by the list of parent participants below.
This plan was adopted by the school on August 15, 2022, and will be in effect for the 2022-2023 school year. A complete Summary of this plan will be distributed to ALL parents at GMMS school, on or before September 8, 2022. The entire detail plan will be on the school website at GMMS website and will be available in the school office no later than September 10, 2022.
Mrs. DeShanna Bause-Batiste ___________________________
Principal Date
_________________________ ____________________________
School Level PI Contact Date
Rachel Byers/Candice Collins ____________________________
School Improvement Plan Parent Representative Date
to the following parents for their willingness to give their time and effort in providing input for the development of this School Parent and Family Engagement Plan. (Candance Collins, Rachel Byers, etc)